Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Illegal striper fishing north caralina

Atlantic striped bass may not be caught, harvested or possessed in a zone between three and 200 nautical miles from shore. A person caught fishing for striped bass outside of three nautical miles is subject to fines starting at $100 per fish, according to the release.
Reports of thousands of dead striped bass floating in the ocean began circulating Saturday around Dare County. Photos of dead fish were electronically circulated, prompting Division of Marine Fisheries and the Coast Guard to investigate.


  1. Are these dead fish caused by human or natural impacts? It seems unlikely that they would be from illegal fisherman because they would not have carelessly released so many fish. How valuable are striper in this region?

  2. could so many of the fish be dieing from toxins in the ocean? That is something that you should get more informantion on. Cause i dont think a group of people could kill that many fish in that amount of time. It cant be possible

  3. Agreed it doesn't seem like humans are responsible for the death of these fish. If it was illegal fisherman, they surely would have kept the fish, not released them.

  4. What is the reason these fish are dead? this calls for a town meeting
