Monday, December 6, 2010


      It's been a lose-lose situation for lobster fishermen and dealers last spring. The low $3.25 per lb. boat price.  For good hard shell lobster this spring left both worried about how low the price might drop when shedders come on the market. This spring the lobster prices were around $3.25 to $3.50 and as low as $2.65.  In some spots in Maine the gear loss has been crazy last year. If a fishermen last a trawls it would cost them $1,000.00 because they could not grapple the trap line because of the new law banning float rope. Which made fishermen use only sink rope. So along with low lobster prices and increase of gear loss the fishermen were hit hard last year and into this spring

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Oil Spill After Math

         The oil spill that happened on April 20, 2010 caused many of the shrimpers and oyster fishermen were affected by closing the fishing grounds which lost billions of dollars for the area.  The fishing industries that are down south were losing money and there jobs.  The Gulf Coast supports $20 billion tourism industry, like casinos in Mississippi, dive shops in the Florida. But since the oil spill the tourism along with the fishing was slowly depleting.