Monday, December 6, 2010


      It's been a lose-lose situation for lobster fishermen and dealers last spring. The low $3.25 per lb. boat price.  For good hard shell lobster this spring left both worried about how low the price might drop when shedders come on the market. This spring the lobster prices were around $3.25 to $3.50 and as low as $2.65.  In some spots in Maine the gear loss has been crazy last year. If a fishermen last a trawls it would cost them $1,000.00 because they could not grapple the trap line because of the new law banning float rope. Which made fishermen use only sink rope. So along with low lobster prices and increase of gear loss the fishermen were hit hard last year and into this spring


  1. jeremy, Isn't float rope legal if it connect trap to trap rather then buoy to trap?

  2. Yes it's legal. But if you are past a certain mark they have to switch to sink so whales cant get tangled in the rope.

  3. Because whales were getting tangled up in the rope and some died.

  4. What exactly is the difference between sink rope and float rope?

  5. Well if you trap in a Harbor area are you allowed to use float rope?

  6. Jeremy, coming from a lobstering family, these were great examples of the tough conditions that lobster fishermen are faced with. In addition, another example of the rough lobster industry is while lobster prices continually fall or remain constant, prices of fuel, bait, and other necessities to haul continually increase, making it difficult for the lobster fishermen to make a good profit. Lobster fishermen, indeed, are currently facing many challenges.

  7. Why did they come up with a new law? Had whales always been getting trapped in the rope or was that a new thing due to changed migration patterns?
