Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Oil Spill After Math

         The oil spill that happened on April 20, 2010 caused many of the shrimpers and oyster fishermen were affected by closing the fishing grounds which lost billions of dollars for the area.  The fishing industries that are down south were losing money and there jobs.  The Gulf Coast supports $20 billion tourism industry, like casinos in Mississippi, dive shops in the Florida. But since the oil spill the tourism along with the fishing was slowly depleting.


  1. Did this oil spill affect any other fishing industries other than the shrimp and the oysters? what are they doing to clean up these oil spills?

  2. Just because people didn't do their research a lot of people are out of jobs and industries lost billions of dollars. Also a lot of animals died or have come close to it. What are they really doing to clean up this oil spill that had occured?

  3. I'm assuming pretty much all the fishing industries were affected by the spill and millions of dollars were lost due this spill. I just hope they are finding a sufficient way to clean it up and fast.
